'Tags all MP3 files in an entire folder Const ID3_GENRE = "A Capela,Acid,Acid Jazz,Acid Punk,Acoustic,Alternative,AlternRock,Ambient,Anime,Avantgarde,Ballad,Bass,Beat,Bebob,Big Band,Black Metal,Bluegrass,Blues,Booty Brass,BritPop,Cabaret,Celtic,Chamber Music,Chanson,Chorus,Christian Gangsta Rap,Christian Rap,Christian Rock,Classic Rock,Classical,Club-House,Club,Comedy,Contemporary Christian,Country,Crossover,Cult,Dance,Dance Hall,Darkwave,Death Metal,Disco,Dream,Drum & Bass,Drum Solo,Duet,Easy Listening,Electronic,Ethnic,Euro-House,Euro-Techno,Eurodance,Fast Fusion,Folk-Rock,Folk,Folklore,Freestyle,Funk,Fusion,Game,Gangsta,Goa,Gospel,Gothic,Gothic Rock,Grunge,Hard Rock,Hardcore,Heavy Metal,Hip-Hop,House,Humour,Indie,Industrial,Instrumental,Instrumental Pop,Instrumental Rock,Jazz,Jazz+Funk,JPop,Jungle,Latin,Lo-Fi,Meditative,Merengue,Metal,Musical,National Folk,Native American,Negerpunk,New Age,New Wave,Noise,Oldies,Opera,Other,Polka,Polsk Punk,Pop-Folk,Pop,Pop/Funk,Porn Groove,Power Ballad,Pranks,Primus,Progressive Rock,Psychadelic,Psychedelic Rock,Punk,Punk Rock,R&B,Rap,Rave,Reggae,Retro,Revival,Rhythmic Soul,Rock,Rock & Roll,Salsa,Samba,Satire,Showtunes,Ska,Slow Jam,Slow Rock,Sonata,Soul,Sound Clip,Soundtrack,Southern Rock,Space,Speech,Swing,Symphonic Rock,Symphony,SynthPop,Tango,Techno-Industrial,Techno,Terror,Thrash Metal,Top 40,Trailer,Trance,Tribal,Trip-Hop,Vocal" Main Sub Main Dim ws, fs, java, fil, fol, fils Dim strFolder, strClassPath, strGenre, strTitle, strAlbum, strArtist, strTrack, strData Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Check for Java On Error Resume Next strData = "" Err.Clear Set java = ws.Exec("Java.exe") If Err.Number = 0 Then Do While java.Status = 0 WScript.Sleep 100 Loop strData = java.StdOut.ReadAll End If If Len(strData) < 100 Then MsgBox "Please download and install ""Java"" from http://java.com/" Exit Sub End If 'Find the location of the needed JAR file strClassPath = VersionOfFileInThisDir("jampal*.jar") If strClassPath = "" Then MsgBox "Place this script in a folder with some version of ""jampal.jar"" (from http://jampal.sourceforge.net/)" Exit Sub End If strClassPath = """" & strClassPath & """" 'Make sure we were passed a folder to work in If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then ToggleRightClick() Exit Sub End If strFolder = fs.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) If Not fs.FolderExists(strFolder) Then MsgBox "That isn't a folder!" Exit Sub End If ws.CurrentDirectory = strFolder 'Get the GENRE Do strData = InputBox("GENRE", "GENRE", "Speech") If strData = "" Then strData = """""" Exit Do End If If Left(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = """" & strData If Right(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = strData & """" For Each strGenre In Split(ID3_GENRE, ",") If """" & strGenre & """" = strData Then Exit Do Next ListOfGenres Loop strGenre = strData 'Get the ARTIST strData = InputBox("ARTIST", "ARTIST", "") If strData = "" Then strData = """""" If Left(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = """" & strData If Right(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = strData & """" strArtist = strData 'Get the ALBUM strData = InputBox("ALBUM", "ALBUM", "") If strData = "" Then strData = """""" If Left(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = """" & strData If Right(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = strData & """" strAlbum = strData 'Get the TITLE strData = InputBox("TITLE", "TITLE", Replace(strAlbum, """", "")) If strData = "" Then strData = """""" If Left(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = """" & strData If Right(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = strData & """" strTitle = strData 'Iterate through all files Set fol = fs.GetFolder(strFolder) Set fils = fol.Files For Each fil In fils 'Get the TRACK strData = FirstNumber(Replace(fil.Name, "-", "")) If strData <> "" Then strData = Left(strData, 4) strData = CLng(strData) If Left(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = """" & strData If Right(strData, 1) <> """" Then strData = strData & """" Else strData = """""" End If strTrack = strData 'Run the Java program Status fil.Name ws.Run "java.exe -cp " & strClassPath & " pgbennett.id3.TagUpdate -GENRE " & strGenre & " -TRACK " & strTrack & " -TITLE " & strTitle & " -ARTIST " & strArtist & " -ALBUM " & strAlbum & " """ & fil.Path & """", 0, True Next End Sub Sub Status(strMessage) If Lcase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 12)) = "\cscript.exe" Then Wscript.Echo strMessage End If End Sub Function FirstNumber(strNumber) 'As String 'Returns the first number in a string. For example 'CA0567-2 returns 0567 'If there are no numbers, an empty string is returned. Dim strBuffer Dim intCounter Dim blnNumeric If IsNull(strNumber) Then FirstNumber = "" Exit Function End If If strNumber = "" Then FirstNumber = "" Exit Function End If strBuffer = "" blnNumeric = False For intCounter = 1 To Len(strNumber) If IsNumeric(Mid(strNumber, intCounter, 1)) Then blnNumeric = True strBuffer = strBuffer & Mid(strNumber, intCounter, 1) Else If blnNumeric Then Exit For End If Next FirstNumber = strBuffer End Function Function VersionOfFileInThisDir(strStarDelimitedName) Dim fs, fol, fils, fil, strHead, strTail, strFile Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fol = fs.GetFolder(fs.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)) Set fils = fol.Files strHead = Split(strStarDelimitedName, "*")(0) strTail = Split(strStarDelimitedName, "*")(1) strFile = "" For Each fil In fils If Lcase(Left(fil.Name, Len(strHead))) = Lcase(strHead) Then If Lcase(Right(fil.Name, Len(strTail))) = Lcase(strTail) Then strFile = fil.Path End If End If Next VersionOfFileInThisDir = strFile End Function Sub ToggleRightClick() ' Adds or deletes this script as a right-click option for "Directory" Dim ws, fs, strKey Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error Resume Next strKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\" & fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) & "\" If RightClickEnabled(strKey) Then ws.RegDelete strKey & "command\" ws.RegDelete strKey MsgBox "Right-Click option on folders for this script has been REMOVED",,fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) Else ws.RegWrite strKey & "command\", "cscript.exe """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ ""%1""", "REG_EXPAND_SZ" MsgBox "Right-Click option on folders for this script has been ADDED",,fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) End If End Sub Function RightClickEnabled(strKey) Dim ws, fs Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") On Error Resume Next RightClickEnabled = Eval("" <> ws.RegRead(strKey & "command\")) End Function Sub ListOfGenres Dim fs, web, doc Dim strFile, dtTime On Error Resume Next Set web = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If web Is Nothing Then Exit Sub web.Width = 250 web.Height = 400 web.Offline = True web.AddressBar = False web.MenuBar = False web.StatusBar = False web.Silent = True web.ToolBar = False web.Navigate "about:blank" 'Wait for the browser to navigate to nowhere dtTime = Now Do While web.Busy 'Don't wait more than 5 seconds Wscript.Sleep 100 If (dtTime + 5/24/60/60) < Now Then ChooseOne = "" web.Quit Exit Sub End If Loop 'Wait for a good reference to the browser document Set doc = Nothing dtTime = Now Do Until Not doc Is Nothing Wscript.Sleep 100 Set doc = web.Document 'Don't wait more than 5 seconds If (dtTime + 5/24/60/60) < Now Then web.Quit Exit Sub End If Loop 'Write the HTML form doc.Write "ID3 Genres" doc.Write "

ID3 Genres

" doc.Write Replace(ID3_GENRE, ",", "
") doc.Write "" 'Show the form web.Visible = True End Sub