Capturing Printer Output to Graphics |
FileCap will capture streaming serial binary data intact. Use it to capture serial printer data using a nul modem (For example the output test equipment). You'll need to have previously installed a VB5 program or the VB5 runtime files. You'll need to read the README file to get installation instructions. |
Provided you have a captured IBM-Graphics printer file, this program will convert it to the rare (but easy to program for) PBM file format. You'll need to have previously installed a VB5 program or the VB5 runtime files. I got tired of install programs failing, so none is included. You can use LView, PaintShop, or a similar graphics utility to convert the PBM files to whatever you want. |
Other Solutions:
If you go to this web page:
and follow the link "Download
SSA-1000, SDA-5000 & CLI-1750 Simulators to your PC", you'll
(after you run the installation program!) what are very nice simulators
for cable TV test equipment. However, in the program directory, you'll
find two bonus files: "emulprn.exe" and "scrndmp.exe". An Acterna tech
was nice enough to point these utilities out to me, but they are not
-- so don't call them for help!
Production Robots Engineering Ltd is nice enough to give away WinTek32, a tool they developed for capturing the output of a Tektronix THS 700 series handheld oscilloscope.
These people:
Have developed a program that converts PCL, HPGL/2, or Epson ESC/P
printer commands into BMP graphics. It's a 30-day trial version that
97 dollars to purchase.
ePlum (http://www.eplumsystem.com/gp.shtml)
will allow you to capture any print job and save it as a JPG,
GIF, PNG, or BMP file for 89 dollars.
Lost? Look at the site map.
Bad links? Questions? Send me mail.