# # Copy any needed library files
# echo "Copying files to /lib"
# cp -a /lib/libc.so* tempfs/lib 2> /dev/null
# cp -a /lib/uClibc*.so tempfs/lib 2> /dev/null
# cp -a /lib/ld.so-1/d-link/ld-linux-uclibc.so* tempfs/lib 2> /dev/null
# cp -a /lib/ld.so-1/libdl/libdl.so* tempfs/lib 2> /dev/null
# cp -a /lib/crypt/libcrypt.so* tempfs/lib 2> /dev/null

Here's the code I no longer need to copy library files. You may want to uncomment this code and add more of your own if you decide to go dynamic with anything.