@echo off echo Please wait while renaming all VXE files to EXE... :: Renames all .VXE files to .EXE on the C: drive :: Code derived from :: http://www.ericphelps.com/batch/lists/filelist.htm rem ******************* MAGIC HAPPENS HERE ******************* :: Create the list of vxe files dir /s /b c:\*.vxe > filelist.txt rem ******************* MAGIC HAPPENS HERE ******************* :: Create the PROCESS.BAT echo ren "%%filename%%" "*.exe"> process.bat rem ******************* MAGIC HAPPENS HERE ******************* :: Create the FRAGMENT.TXT :: See http://www.ericphelps.com/batch/lines/frag-dbg.htm echo e 100 "set filename="> script echo rcx>> script echo d>> script echo n fragment.txt>> script echo w>> script echo q>>script debug < script > nul del script :START copy fragment.txt + filelist.txt temp.txt > nul type temp.txt | find "set filename=" > temp.bat echo call process.bat >> temp.bat call temp.bat type temp.txt | find /v "set filename=" > filelist.txt copy filelist.txt nul | find "0" > nul if errorlevel 1 goto START :: Delete temporary files del temp.bat del filelist.txt del temp.txt del fragment.txt del process.bat cls