Here's a batch file that will determine the most recent file in a directory and copy it to a file with the same extension but with "recent" as the name. For example, multiple users or processes may generate files with names like REPORT45.HTM, REPORT37B.HTM, etc.. Running this batch file would create a RECENT.HTM which would be a copy of the most recent file. Here's Win9x code: ------------------------------------ @echo off dir /o-d /a-d *.* | find "-" | find ":" > en#er.bat fc en#er.bat nul /lb1 /n |date|find " 1: " > en#er.bat echo copy /y %%5.%%6 recent.%%6 > enter.bat call en#er.bat del en?er.bat>nul cls ------------------------------------ Those of you with Windows 2000 can try this far simpler batch file, except this one just gets you the name of the recent file. It will be up to you to decide what you do with the name: ------------------------------------ @echo off for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /od /a-d /b *.*') do set recent=%%x echo %recent% ------------------------------------