The example below shows how to read an INI file from inside any batch file. Note that this method isn't sophisticated enough to handle section names or commented lines. @echo off find "BorderWidth=" c:\windows\win.ini | sort /r | date | find "=" > en#er.bat echo set value=%%5> enter.bat call en#er.bat del en?er.bat > nul echo Value is %value%. set value= Why use DATE? Not to find the date or time! Instead, we take advantage of the fact that it outputs a line with the word "Enter" at the beginning, and whatever we put into it shows up on the end of that same line. Since "Enter" is not a reserved word, we can write a batch file named ENTER.BAT. If we redirect the output of DATE into a batch file (in this case EN#ER.BAT), when we call that batch file, it will in turn run our ENTER.BAT, passing all the other words on the line as command-line arguments. Our added words show up starting at the fourth argument. In this case, "BorderWidth" will be that word. Since the "=" sign acts as a delimiter, "3" will be the fifth argument (assuming your BorderWidth is set to 3 in your WIN.INI). Since we dump quite a bit of garbage into DATE, we will get quite a lot of output. We search the output for the line we want (it contains the "=" sign) for one reason: we want that line to be first. In fact, ONLY the first line in EN#ER.BAT will be executed because it will "run" ENTER.BAT instead of "calling" it. Because of this, control will never return to EN#ER.BAT after it runs ENTER.BAT. Program control will instead return to our original batch file right where we want it (because we remembered to "call" EN#ER.BAT). To terminate the DATE command, a blank line (CR/LF only) must be entered at the end. FC (the original way) provides this at the end of it's output. FIND, however, puts an extra CR/LF at the beginning of it's output. By running FIND through SORT /R, we are able to move the CR/LF back to the end where it belongs so we can pipe it through DATE. There are three traps here: (1) Make sure there are no spaces in the "value=%%5>" part, or you'll end up with spaces in your environment variable. (2) Put this batch file in a directory where ENTER.BAT and EN#ER.BAT can safely be created. Don't specify a path for the BAT files. Let them be created and run in the default directory. (3) Watch out for similar names: As written, this code could respond to the name "PictureBorderWidth" because it contains "BorderWidth". Obviously, this technique is best used on private INI files under your complete control. In fact it is easy to feed DATE with the output of almost any command by simply appending an extra CR/LF to the end. FIND, for example, doesn't put out any extra CR/LF if it searches a "piped" file. Here's how to make it work anyway: type c:\windows\win.ini | find "BorderWidth=" > enter.txt echo.>> enter.txt type enter.txt | date | find "=" > en#er.bat del enter.txt > nul The "echo." adds the extra CR/LF to the end of the temporary ENTER.TXT file. All that is needed is to add the last 5 lines from the previous example to the end of this one to finish it out. To complete the picture, we only need a way to write to an INI file. This, at least, is easy and has no tricks (with the restriction of no section names, no order requirement, and no commented lines in the INI file). Try this example code (but first use a real "filename", "keyname", and "value"): type filename.ini | find /v "keyname=" > filename.ini echo keyname=value>> filename.ini The first line removes the old existing value from the INI file, (if it exists) while the second line adds the new value. Again, just as when reading INI files, watch out for similar names. This example would have removed the "keyname" line (as desired), but would also remove lines with a keyname like "mykeyname". WARNING: The above code (like all my code) is for Win9x. Running it under NT could wipe out your "filename.ini" file! I am relying on Win9x to generate a temporary file for the pipe so I can get away with using the same file name for input and output. If you use NT (or want to write compatible code), try it with an explicit intermediate file: type filename.ini | find /v "keyname=" > filename.tmp copy /y filename.tmp filename.ini echo keyname=value>> filename.ini The ability to read and write to INI files gives your batch files a way to communicate with other programs, a way to store many variables without exceeding the environment space, and a way for you to write adaptive and easily maintained batch files for your less creative friends. There are more people out there who can edit an INI file than there are people who can modify a batch file...