This example illustrates addition in batch files. Notice this isn't done by real math, but by text comparisons. A common use for an addition routine would be as a loop counter. Here is a batch file that could ping a subnet looking for computers. Note that this example uses the ADD.BAT shown further below. This example also assumes that PING will deliver a response with the word "Reply" in it ONLY if it succeeds (which is true for Winsock 1 and 2 under Win95): ---------------------------------- @echo off :START call add.bat ping 127.0.0.%H%%T%%D% | find "Reply" > nul if not errorlevel 1 echo %H%%T%%D% if %H%%T%%D%==254 goto DONE goto START :DONE ---------------------------------- Notice that the above example is really a simple loop running from 1 to 254 with the "ping" and "if not" lines inside the loop. By pre-setting values for %H%, %T%, and %D% or by changing the "==254" value, you can easily set the start and ending values of the loop. If you want a list of the good numbers (instead of just an onscreen display), make another batch file called pinglist.bat with this one line in it: echo %1 >> goodpings.txt and change the line that reads if not errorlevel 1 echo %H%%T%%D% in the example above to if not errorlevel 1 call pinglist.bat %H%%T%%D% Here is the ADD.BAT used in the above example: ---------------------------------- :: ADD.BAT :: Increments a three digit number :: Works by comparing each digit :: H=hundreds, T=tens, D=digits @echo off if [%H%]==[] set H=0 if [%T%]==[] set T=0 if [%D%]==[] set D=0 :DIGITS if %D%==9 goto TENS if %D%==8 set D=9 if %D%==7 set D=8 if %D%==6 set D=7 if %D%==5 set D=6 if %D%==4 set D=5 if %D%==3 set D=4 if %D%==2 set D=3 if %D%==1 set D=2 if %D%==0 set D=1 goto DONE :TENS set D=0 if %T%==9 goto HUNDREDS if %T%==8 set T=9 if %T%==7 set T=8 if %T%==6 set T=7 if %T%==5 set T=6 if %T%==4 set T=5 if %T%==3 set T=4 if %T%==2 set T=3 if %T%==1 set T=2 if %T%==0 set T=1 goto DONE :HUNDREDS set T=0 if %H%==9 set H=0 if %H%==8 set H=9 if %H%==7 set H=8 if %H%==6 set H=7 if %H%==5 set H=6 if %H%==4 set H=5 if %H%==3 set H=4 if %H%==2 set H=3 if %H%==1 set H=2 if %H%==0 set H=1 goto DONE :DONE ---------------------------------- ::