@echo off :: Test to see if we are on Win 9x by how ampersands are handled > HostsRemove.tmp echo 1234&rem type HostsRemove.tmp | find "rem" > nul if errorlevel 1 goto START goto WIN9X :START if exist HostsRemove.tmp del HostsRemove.tmp :: Did we get any arguments? if [%1]==[] goto NOARGS if not exist "%1" goto BADFILE :: Can we see the HOSTS file? if not exist %windir%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts goto NOHOSTS :: Verify this is what the user really wants echo This batch file will HELP you remove entries from your echo HOSTS file. A NEW file will be created that will be a echo copy of your existing HOSTS file EXCEPT that it will echo not contain any of the machine entries found in the echo "%1" file you supplied. echo YOUR EXISTING HOSTS FILE WILL NOT BE MODIFIED. echo After this batch file runs, the new "cleaner" HOSTS echo file will be available as "HostsRemove.txt" in the echo default directory (generally the same directory the echo batch file is in). It will be up to you to update your echo HOSTS file with the new data. echo. pause :: Create the copy of the HOSTS file type %windir%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts > HostsRemove.txt :: Get the short file name -- We need an unquoted file name for list processing. for %%x in ("%1") do call :READFILE %%~fsx goto DONE :READFILE :: Arguments (dirty) - Fully qualified short file name :: Be sure the short name we got points to a real file if [%1]==[] goto BADFILE if not exist %1 goto BADFILE :: Set up a FOR loop to read every line in the file for /f "tokens=1,2" %%x in (%1) do call :TESTLINE %%x %%y if exist HostsRemove.tmp del HostsRemove.tmp goto DONE :TESTLINE :: Arguments (dirty) - IP, MachineName :: Did we get two arguments (was it a blank line)? if [%2]==[] goto DONE :: Is it a commented line? echo %1 | find "#" > nul if not errorlevel 1 goto DONE :: Do the IP and machine both have dots? echo %1 | find "." > nul if errorlevel 1 goto DONE echo %2 | find "." > nul if errorlevel 1 goto DONE call :EDITHOSTS %2 goto DONE :EDITHOSTS :: Arguments (clean) - MachineName echo %1 :: Remove machine name preceeded by a space type HostsRemove.txt | find /v " %1" > HostsRemove.tmp type HostsRemove.tmp > HostsRemove.txt :: Remove machine name preceeded by a tab type HostsRemove.txt | find /v " %1" > HostsRemove.tmp type HostsRemove.tmp > HostsRemove.txt goto DONE :NOHOSTS echo Sorry, but your HOSTS file isn't where I expected it. echo You're going to have to either create a HOSTS file or echo edit this batch file to point to wherever your HOSTS echo file is. pause goto DONE :BADFILE :: Arguments -- None. However, %1 should be available. echo The argument you supplied, "%1", doesn't seem to be a valid file name. pause goto DONE :NOARGS echo Drop a file on me! The file should contain IP adresses echo and machine names in the same format as a HOSTS file. echo For example: echo. echo www.viruses-to-go.com echo www.sell-your-name.com echo. pause goto DONE :WIN9X if exist HostsExpired.tmp del HostsExpired.tmp echo This batch file requires Windows NT or newer. pause goto DONE :DONE