Processing All Lines in a File

Present in every other decent OS and in many utilities, the ability to supply a file containing a list of arguments for processing is absent in MS-DOS.

If you've managed to get this far, I have to assume you know how to take a list like:
and add key words to the beginning of each line:
Enter new date: data1
Enter new date: data2
Enter new date: data3
or add words to the beginning of the file:

If you don't know how, go back and look at my page on processing lines of data.

It really doesn't matter what words you add . The concept here is the same. In this example, the goal is to create a batch file which will end up running with "data1" as one of it's arguments. The problem is that the batch file will be "run", not CALLed. Sooo... the first line containing "data1" would be processed, and nothing else would. This kind of behavior is not generally desired.

Lastly, let me encourage you not to write any big batch list processing program unless you have to. If your list (whatever it is) is automatically-generated, it makes sense to process it using one of the above techniques. But if you manually generate your list, spend an extra minute with Word (or any other fancy word processor) converting your file list into a batch program. With Word's replace function, you can insert things at the beginning or end of your lines and even add new lines. Aside from having to fix up the first and last lines when you're done, it's the easiest way to do things. I've put together a little example here that shows me using DOS to get a list of every text file in my "Program Files" directory, then using Word to convert that list into something that will put each file name (since they are long file names) into the environment before calling another separate processing batch file. 

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